© 2018 DESTRAVIS | Design. Strategy. Vision.


Destravis has offices in Brisbane, Melbourne and Wellington.

We are focused on bringing an unrivalled level of expertise and industry leadership to our clients.

We do this through the cross pollination of specialist consultants each with a complementary area of expertise; from service and workforce planning, operational management, facility planning and design, construction and cost management.

The depth of our understanding helps identify underlying issues and address root causes which deliver real outcomes in a cost effective yet highly efficient solution.

Each of our consultants is dedicated to defining and solving problems with holistic consideration to issue, impact, benefit realisation and quality outcomes.

Our Story

Destravis GEM_fa

"In creating a logo, I was thinking about how there would be many different disciplines represented in Destravis. I see our company as a coming together of minds to provide direction to clients.  A metaphor guided our thought process; a gemstone with many unique facets. Our multi-faceted team collaborates to create a gem of an outcome.  A problem can be viewed in many ways, depending on the viewpoint, a different solution may be reflected. 


I thought it was important not just to show the facets, but how this translates into problem solving for clients. The angular cuts in the D-shape form a sort of funnel of ideas. The diverging facets converge on a solution.


The shapes in our logo are based on this idea". Gunther De Graeve, M.D.


The Destravis Mission is to help create better and healthy built environments for the people who use them.
We fulfil our mission by:

  • Providing strategic advice to optimise the opportunity,
  • Developing a deep understanding of what each project must deliver for its people,
  • Applying unique insights and expertise to solve complex problems,
  • Adapting to each client’s challenges and constraints,
  • Recognising that budget is finite and the most optimal solution must be economical, functional and deliver a healthy, quality space for users,
  • Continually learning; building on our knowledge, challenging our thinking and applying global best practice.