© 2018 DESTRAVIS | Design. Strategy. Vision.

Tweed Health Precinct

Precinct strategy

Project Information

An analysis of the Tweed Health Precinct was initiated in mid 2018 in response to the significant investment announced by the NSW Government for the new Tweed Valley Hospital.

It was initiated to identify the key precinct principles, land uses and potential high level development scenarios that would assist in realising the greatest economic and social opportunities that could eventuate from the investment in the Tweed Valley Hospital.

The Tweed Health Precinct Scenario Analysis identified the key principles to realising a best practice health and wellness precinct, along with the desirable activities and land uses that would best benefit from being within and surrounding the health precinct. Scenario analysis reinforced where key opportunities could be realised for changes to land use allowances, along with recommendations for governance and development controls to assist in realising a best practice health precinct.

Destravis was engaged to lead this investigation, consulting with key government, research and industry stakeholders to inform the study. Our scope included:

–Literature review of best practice health precincts

–Analysis of health precinct principles, associated land uses synergies and conflicts

–Identification and consultation with multiple key stakeholders, including:

  • Tweed Shire Council
  • NSW HI & Northern NSW LHD
  • Griffith, Bond & Southern Cross University’s
  • North Coast TAFE
  • Targeted industry

–Identification of Tweed specific health precinct principles, land uses and overlay opportunities

–Scenario analysis leading to land use and development control recommendations.


NSW Department of Planning and Environment


Northern NSW



Project Scope:

Precinct strategy encompassing health, education and community facilities to create a sustainable Health Precinct

Destravis Role:

Precinct strategy, health integration, stakeholder engagement and economic review.