© 2018 DESTRAVIS | Design. Strategy. Vision.

Step-Up, Step-Down

Detailed Business Case and Schematic Design

Project Information

The Queensland Government engaged Destravis to deliver two Step-up Step-down Units (SUSDU) and two Day Program (DP) facilities.

Evidence of the model of service (MOS) delivery for young people with severe and complex mental health needs emphasises the importance of suite of treatment and rehabilitation options across a continuum of care, enabling young people to move between levels of service according to changes in the acuity, severity and complexity of their mental illness and associated needs at any particular time.  The SUSD are a necessary integrated element along the continuum of care. It is vital to develop this continuum so that young people and their families are supported to successfully transition from a state-wide bed-based facility to local services.

The SUSD service operates under a model of care founded on principles of recovery and psychosocial rehabilitation with key aspects of recovery being the promotion of:

  • hopefulness
  • personal empowerment
  • social connectedness
  • self-determination in the recovery process
  • well-being.

Each SUSDU resembles a 6-bed house with large communal areas and supporting staff base for clinicians and non-government organisations. Within approximately 600m2, the inclusions in the new facility are:

  • 6 single in-patient rooms with ensuites, one of these rooms will have the ability accommodate bariatric / assisted patients
  • dedicated extended room for family members, potential for overnight stay
  • space for six staff, one dedicated office for NGO and one dedicated office for clinical
  • large shared communal space comprising kitchen, dining, entertainment, laundry and outdoor verandah/bbq space
  • multi-functional meeting / interview / activity rooms
  • staff support facilities including overnight accommodation, staff kitchen and amenities
  • medical store.

Department of Health, Queensland


Brisbane, Queensland



Project Scope:

Preliminary Business Case
Detailed Business Case
Schematic Design

Destravis Role:

Principal Consultant (Schematic Design In conjunction with James Cubit Architects)